How Client-Centered Therapy Works Biên dịch: Hồng Đức – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Client-centered therapy, also known as person-centered therapy or Rogerian therapy, is a non-directive form of talk therapy where you act as an equal partner in the therapy process while your therapist remains non-directive—they don’t pass judgment on your feelings or […]
Category Archives: Magazines
Is Homework Good for Kids? Research suggests that homework may be most beneficial when it is minimal. Nghiên cứu cho thấy khi số lượng bài tập về nhà ở mức tối thiểu thì nó có thể mang lại lợi ích tối đa. Biên dịch: Mỹ Linh – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam In recent […]
Has AI Become the Master Artist, Not Just the Assistant? New data suggest that AI is beginning to out-create its creators. Dữ liệu mới cho thấy Trí tuệ Nhân tạo (AI) đang bắt đầu vượt qua những người tạo ra nó. Biên dịch: Mỹ Linh – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam The age-old […]
Understanding the psychology of self-perceived mate value: Key findings from recent study Biên dịch: Thùy Trang – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Have you ever wondered what makes people believe they’re desirable as a partner? A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior explores what factors lead people to believe they’re wanted for short […]
How Does Stress Affect the Body? By Kirstie Ganobsik HealthDay Reporter Bởi nhà báo Kirstie Ganobsik, thuộc tờ HealthDay Người dịch: Khánh Linh – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam — Figuring out how stress affects your body can be a challenge, because the answer can depend on how stressed out you are, and for how long. — […]
Projection, Repression, and Denial According to Sigmund Freud Dịch giả: Phạm Lâm Khánh Nhung Hiệu đính: Thuỳ Trang Repressing what hurts, denying what bothers us, or projecting our own shortcomings onto others are examples of the defense mechanisms that Sigmund Freud identified. Kiềm chế những gì gây tổn thương, phủ nhận những điều gì khiến […]
How to Reframe Performance-Oriented Identity Dịch: Khánh Linh Hiệu đính: Thuỳ Trang Who you are is not what you are. Bạn là ai chứ không phải bạn là gì. KEY POINTS Những điểm chính We often expect a lot from ourselves. Too much. And when we don’t deliver, our self-worth plummets. Chúng ta thường kỳ […]
When Faking Positivity Reduces Stress and When It Backfires Biên dịch: Mỹ Linh – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam You may have heard the advice, “fake it until you make it,” which is often applied to business or overall self-confidence. This popular rhyming advice can also be applied to happiness-inducing, stress-relieving activities like forcing a smile, pushing […]
Outpatient Therapy: What It Is and Is It Effective? Biên dịch: Thùy Trang – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Outpatient therapy is defined as any psychotherapy service offered when the client is not admitted to a hospital, residential program, or other inpatient settings. Outpatient therapy is a resource for individuals seeking support for mental […]
What Is Body Positivity? Biên dịch: Mỹ Linh – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Body positivity refers to the assertion that all people deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance. Body positivity tạm dịch là “yêu cơ thể mình vô điều […]