How to Reframe Performance-Oriented Identity Dịch: Khánh Linh Hiệu đính: Thuỳ Trang Who you are is not what you are. Bạn là ai chứ không phải bạn là gì. KEY POINTS Những điểm chính We often expect a lot from ourselves. Too much. And when we don’t deliver, our self-worth plummets. Chúng ta thường kỳ […]
Author Archives: Bao Chan Vu
The 5 Types Of Schema Dịch giả: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Thùy Linh In cognitive psychology, a schema is a mental structure used to hold, store, record, and recall information. Schemata (the plural of schema) help us to organize information in our minds. Trong tâm lý học nhận thức, lược đồ là một cấu […]
The 4 Major Personality Perspectives Dịch giả: Thuỳ Trang – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam The study of personality is one of the significant topics of interest in psychology. Numerous personality theories exist, and most major ones fall into one of four major perspectives. Each of these perspectives on personality attempts to describe different patterns in […]
Caregiving For Someone With Autism Dịch: Thuỳ Trang – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Autism is a lifetime disorder. Depending on the severity, an autistic person may need to be taken care of for life. If you’ve just found out that your child or a loved one has this condition, you are probably wondering the next […]
How do ACEs relate to toxic stress? Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam What are ACEs? ACEs là gì? The term “ACEs” is an acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. It originated in a groundbreaking study conducted in 1995 by the Centers for Disease Control and the Kaiser Permanente health care organization in […]
Toxic positivity: What are the causes and how to combat it Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Toxic positivity is when we respond to situations that would naturally cause emotional distress with false reassurances and positive feelings. Sự tích cực độc hại là khi chúng ta phản ứng với những tình huống […]
Coping with Holiday Stress Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam By Dr. Donna Ferguson, Psychologist with the WSIB Psychological Trauma Program Viết bởi Tiến sĩ Donna Ferguson, Nhà tâm lý học của Chương trình Chấn thương Tâm lý WSIB The holidays can be a joyous and relaxing time. It can also be […]
What It Means to Be Lithromantic Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Thùy Trang Navigating relationships as a lithromantic individual Điều hướng các mối quan hệ như một cá nhân lithromantic When it comes to relationships, open communication is critical for lithromantic individuals. Discussing your lithromantic orientation early in a relationship can help set […]
What It Means to Be Lithromantic Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Thùy Trang When picturing love, attraction, and relationships, most people likely imagine mutual feelings – two people liking each other reciprocally. However, for some people, love and attraction operate differently. Khi hình dung ra tình yêu, sự hấp dẫn và các mối […]
Gratitude Exercises for the Holiday Season Biên dịch: Bảo Chân – Hiệu đính: Xanh Lam Thanksgiving presents us with a great opportunity to increase our feelings of gratitude for everything in our lives. This is wonderful for our stress levels as well as our relationships, our life satisfaction, and our overall health. The focus on […]